Year: 2012
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner
Director: Bill Condon
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner
Director: Bill Condon
Review: I almost literally dragged my ankle in a movie with some of my friends. Finally I decided to finally give in and pay the ticket price? 5.70. ? 5.70? Twilight tickets. OK I'm not going to go into it, but I expect good things. So the positive points first: Taylor Lautner put resulting breakthrough. Michael Sheen makes for a good villain. Taylor Lautner is not what I would call one of the rising stars at the time. He just does not have the talent, but ... who says he is the only good guy in the film, which reliably. Michael Sheen is very well suited as a villain. It has air crazy, but I can not put any mistake in his performance. For example, I can not say it too, or just shout role (where Shia LaBeouf should refuse to do so) is now negative. Kristen Stewart can not act for her life, Dakota Fanning is so convincing. The rest of the cast is mediocre, CGI and special effects are absolutely delighted and insulting ending.Kristen Stewart spent most of the movie involve stupid kids pout and frown, that's not what you want to see the main character of the popular movie. All his lines zischulyuyutsya worthy and poorly written. His career fails, and a selection of his films (Snow White and the Hunter? What the hell?) Did not help. Dakota Fanning has always annoyed me as an actor. I have nothing against him personally, but the role of Shia La Beouf in War of the Worlds, he just killed it. But Coraline is a revelation in itself and renew their faith. However, it is not on the stage, so to speak. A line in the movie was like something from a family of cut scenes person. The remaining crew members are poor and why the hell child Renesmi (terrible name) CGI baby? It just makes the film seem more ridiculous.The whole vampire thing just becomes funny again? Oh my god, the end .... I do not spoil, but it is so poor. To finish, I would not look at it again. With those. Fans will probably love it, because ultimately they are naturally protected from criticism of their lives. Anyone will stop watching after about 10 minutes and I do not blame them. Twilight series ... ... an absolute bloody waste of time and money.
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